Most Efficient Methods for Hydrogen Sulfide Removal from Water

Hydrogen sulfide isn’t listed under the list of primary or secondary health and environment containments of Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA), standards for drinking water. However when the hydrogen sulfide concentration in water is up to 0.5 parts per million (ppm), it:

  • Emits unpleasant odor
  • Stains bathroom fixtures and laundry with black and yellow
  • Discolors beverages
  • Can change the overall appearance and taste of your cooked foods

hydrogen sulfide removal is thought of as a secondary contaminant with a concentration of 250 ppm (Maximum Contaminant Level). High sulfate levels at around 250 ppm can:

  • Bear laxative effects
  • Impart better taste
  • Result in Dehydration
  • Bear negative health impact on young animals and infants

There are many standard processes for treating hydrogen sulfate and sulfide removal from drinking water. The selection of the appropriate process would be based on hydrogen sulfide and/or water sulfate concentration. The present concentration of hydrogen sulfate would determine whether it is necessary to have a point of use (treatment at a faucet) or a point of entry system (treating entire house water). For higher concentrations, it’s best to choose the point of entry treatment option. Let’s look at some common water treating options for the removal of hydrogen sulfide:

Granular Activated Carbon

For hydrogen sulfide levels of up to 0.3 ppm, it’s advised to get a (GAC) filter for minimizing unpleasant taste and odor. With a limited capacity for absorbing hydrogen sulfide, an exhausted GAC filter can be required. As an outcome, the activated carbon filter won’t be an efficient way to filter out sulfide concentrations up to 0.3ppm.

Aeration Treatment

Hydrogen sulfide gas quickly escapes from water resulting in a foul odor and an aeration process would be required to completely remove its nonionic surfactant. Air bubbling is done through the tank and then hydrogen sulfide is suspended in the air through venting it outdoors. Normally larger air volume is gathered into the water through a blower or air compressor. Otherwise, bladder-style pressure tank is replaced with old-style pressure tanks. The sulfide then volatilizes in air bubbles.

Shock Chlorination Treatment

The plumbing system, aquifer, or casing generally has sulfur-lessening bacteria surfactant soap. A lot of laboratories conclude that it is possible to find sulfur-reducing bacteria when water tests are positive to confirm bacteria with the smell of “rotten egg”. Here the best treatment method would be shock chlorination.

Changing Magnesium Rod for Heating Water

When the source of hydrogen sulfide smell is only the faucet carrying hot water, the heater might be the issue-causing agent. The water heating has a corrosion control magnesium rod which causes a chemical reaction with sulfate resulting in the formation of hydrogen sulfide. It is possible to minimize or eliminate the issue through the replacement of a magnesium rod with zinc or aluminum.

Catalytic Carbon

With catalytic carbon technology upgrades, the option can be a great alternative for hydrogen sulfide removal. With catalytic carbon, you get all conventional GAC adsorptive properties but it is also possible to change it to the compound elemental sulfur. Firstly, the hydrogen sulfide is absorbed into the carbon surface and then the absorbed hydrogen is then oxidized to elemental sulfur with dissolved oxygen.

If you’re looking for options other than treatment for hydrogen sulfide removal you can consider buying water bottles – especially for beverage or food preparation. Installing a new water source like a well can also get you purified and sulfide-free water. Further to remove such impurities it would be a good measure to look out for a certified hydrogeologist who is knowledgeable about the most appropriate measures to be taken in such circumstances.

Contact Us:

Chemical Products Industries, Inc.

Address: 7649 SW 34th St, Oklahoma City, OK
Phone: (800) 624-4356

What Is The Process Of Hydrogen Sulfide Removal?

In order to purify the natural gas, you need to remove the corrosive and toxic hydrogen sulfide. The hydrogen sulfide can be quite dangerous for the health of the people. It can cause headaches, tremors, nausea, skin and eye irritation and convulsions. If you inhale a huge amount of hydrogen sulfide gas, it can make unconscious and it can also result in death. Hence, it is important to know the process of hydrogen sulfide removal. The H2S or Hydrogen sulfide is present in the biogas which can be removed through different techniques. Read on to know more about the process and what you need to take care of.

Techniques of removing hydrogen sulfide

The huge amount of the hydrogen sulfide in the biogas can cause corrosiveness and odors. It is important to remove the hydrogen sulfide from it. There are some advanced and modern techniques that are used for the hydrogen sulfide removal. If you are wondering what these techniques are, then here are some of the efficient treatment methods for the removal of hydrogen sulfide:

  • NaOH scrubbing
  • Activated carbon
  • Iron sponge
  • Water scrubbing
  • Iron oxide pellets
  • Biological removal on the filter bed

These are some of the techniques that are for removing the hydrogen sulfide from the biogas. Different services opt for different techniques or processes for the removal of the H2S.

Choosing the right process

It is not possible to remove the hydrogen sulfide from the biogas. It requires extensive methods with an advanced process. For this, you have to choose a professional treatment system that can remove the hydrogen sulfide effectively. You need to ensure that the treatment system has to be economical and effective. It should not contain toxic fumes and harmful by-products. The pungent smell of this chemical can make it really irritating.

You need to make sure that you are choosing the right treatment service for the hydrogen sulfide removal. To ensure that everything is going in the right way, you have to hire someone with great potential and experience as well. You have to know and understand that the experts can help you in this. Before choosing any removal service, you need to read the reviews and feedbacks properly to know the best for you. If you need this for the industrial purpose, then you have to get it done in a wiser way. You can also ask for recommendations too.


When it is about chemicals, you have to be very careful for sue. You cannot take risk at any cost. Hence, it is important for you to choose the best process for the hydrogen sulfide removal. This can help you to get the best result too. Since there are more than one process to remove the hydrogen sulfide from the biogas, you have to be careful of what to choose. Different techniques come with different benefits and drawbacks. All these will help you to get the best benefits. You have to research thoroughly about each and every service to know which one will be the best for the removal of this harmful chemical, hydrogen sulfide.

Contact US:

Chemical Products Industries, Inc.
Address: 7649 SW 34th St, Oklahoma City, OK
Phone: (800) 624-4356